Wolborough Street

John Gaverock lived in the manor house in Wolborough Street until he owned the town and then he built Forde House and became known as John Gaverock of Forde.

Wolborough Street

Wolborough Street

John Gaverock of Newton Abbot

In 1539 King Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries and as a consequence the Abbots lost control of Newton Abbot. In 1545 the town of Newton Abbot came into the possession of John Gaverock, a former Abbot’s steward for a cost of £592 14s 2d, and the King was satisfied with his credentials and thereafter the town was in private hands. John Gaverock built a new manorial home at Forde.

Forde House

Forde House

Forde, Newton Abbot

Forde, Newton Abbot